Call for Abstracts
XXV IUFRO World Congress 2019
Technical Session
F6c – How to Teach Forest Sciences in the Future – Challenges and Opportunities of Changing Ecological, Socio-Economic, and Technological Circumstances
In supporting the International Union of Forest Research Organization (IUFRO)’s XXV World Congress 2019, the Joint IUFRO-IFSA Task Force on Forest Education, the Asia Pacific Forestry Education Coordination Mechanism (AP-FECM) and the Silvia Network officially invite submissions of abstracts for its joint organized technical session (F6c) – How to Teach Forest Sciences in the Future – Challenges and Opportunities of Changing Ecological, Socio-Economic, and Technological Circumstances.
Scope of the Congress
In 2019, for the first time Latin America will host a World Congress of the IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations). This event will take place in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil, from September 29 to October 5, and will be organized and coordinated by the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB) and EMBRAPA. Approximately three thousand participants are expected at the event, which will discuss various aspects related to forest research.
The Congress will be a great opportunity to exchange experiences and knowledge on technological innovations, as well as to stay up to date on the latest research findings and trends for the future of forestry and forest research in all areas of the world.
It will also represent a major meeting place for researchers, teachers, students, and professionals in the forestry sector worldwide to come together.
Scope of technical session
As part of the Congress, the IUFRO Joint Task Force, the AP-FECM and the Silvia Network will organize a technical session revolving around the problematic of how to teach Forest Sciences in the future, by looking at the challenges and the opportunities linked to evolving ecological, socio-economic and technological environments.
More precisely the session will attempt to address most of the questions that professionals in forestry education might ask regarding the future of forestry in a constantly changing world and through the expanding array of techniques that are offered. Concerning curriculum planning, how should universities respond to emerging public interest in climate change? How should educational units meet needs for life-long learning? Concerning technological resources, which are the most relevant new digital services that a teacher could use to optimise the learning process?
Global drivers in forest education include a greater need for understanding forestry, technological advancements and digital technology. The session is aimed at decision-makers in educational institutions to think about how to cope with forest related education in the future and about what role online, joint degrees and non-degree education could play in shaping that future.
Forestry professors and experts in the field are encouraged to submit an abstract outlining their research finding, insights and experiences, and case sharing they would wish to share during the technical session.
Instructions for submission
Submission process can be found at
Abstracts should be submitted before 31st of December 2018.