Specialized Committee – Innovation in Forest Resources Management

Welcome to Specialized Committee – Innovation in Forest Resources Management of AYSA. This committee provides a forum for sharing socio-economic and technological innovation to address issues of sustainable forest management in the changing positionality of forest and forestry. We will invite scholars from the global North and global South, share innovations to address changing context of sustainable forest management, provide workshops and training, and other opportunities to collaborate/generate new ideas, concepts, tools, and technology in the field of forestry and sustainable development.

Honorary Chair: Professor Nicholas Coops, University of British Columbia

Executive Chair: Professor Lin Cao, Nanjing Forestry University

Co-ordinator: Dr. Anil Shrestha, Senior Researcher, and Lecturer, University of British Columbia

Email: anil.shrestha@ubc.ca

Welcome to the Inaugural webinar dated May 12, 2022, 18:00-19:30 Vancouver Time; May 13, 2022, 09:00-10:30 Beijing Time