The 4th AP-FECM Conference was one of the stream 5 events at Asia Pacific Forestry Week 2016
There’re more than 50 participants including chancellors, presidents, deans, professors, and representatives countries (economies in APEC term) to attend this event. This meeting provided a great opportunity for universities from the region to develop education networks. It laid an important foundation for enhancing future collaborations in forestry education


Mr. Qu Guilin, Executive Director of APFNet, highlighted the importance of forestry education in promoting sustainable forest management and encouraged participation and contribution from more forestry universities and institutes in the region

Dr. Portia G. Lapitan, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, University of the Philippines Los Banos conveyed wishes and congratulations to the Asia-Pacific Forestry Education Coordination Mechanism and the 4th AP-FECM Conference on behalf of the Chancellor of the University of the Philippines Los Banos.
During the event, guest speakers, deans, and professors shared valuable experiences on the theme Regional Forestry Education Resources Sharing and Mutual Course Recognition in the three keynote presentations and nine case study presentations. (Details can be found Annex 3 – Details of the presentations and discussion)

Dr. S.S. Negi, Director General (Forest), Government of India, introduced international collaboration of forestry education in India.

Dr. John Innes, Chair of the Steering Committee, Dean, Faculty of Forestry, UBC, officially launched the SFM Online Courses and presented the development of the first six SFM online courses.

Dr. Youqing Luo, Vice President, Beijing Forestry University, China, reviewed the sharing quality education resources in Chinese forestry education.